• Orange Peel


    RGB 255 109 0

    CMYK 0 57 100 0

  • Chestnut


    RGB 160 92 45

    CMYK 0 43 72 37

  • Olive


    RGB 125 114 51

    CMYK 0 9 59 51

  • Shadow


    RGB 158 151 122

    CMYK 0 4 23 38

  • Orange Peel


    RGB 255 109 0

    CMYK 0 57 100 0

From Megarang

Megarang Village, located in the mountainous region of Hsinchu, Taiwan, is a village of the Atayal tribe, rich in legend and known as "God's Village."

The Sweet Persimmons of Megarang Village

The fertile lands of Megarang Village yield various crops, among which the sweet persimmons are particularly renowned.

Products from the Megarang

The Best Choice for Gifts

Megarang Village’s Persimmons

Visiting Megarang Village allows one to experience its rich cultural heritage and taste its specialty—sweet persimmons. These fruits are highly popular in local markets, and their unique flavor and appeal can be enjoyed both fresh and as dried persimmon cakes.